Sixty-seven percent of our revenue goes towards compensating the musicians who inspire us; who direct, accompany, and perform in our concerts with us. Thirty-three percent goes towards renting rehearsal and performance venues and other expenses.
Your donation of any size is greatly appreciated. Receipts for donors’ tax preparation are e-mailed to all donors early in the new year. Thank you for supporting Monadnock Chorus.
We appreciate the incredible generosity of all of our donors in helping us to fulfill our mission. Deriving less than half of our operating budget from ticket sales, we depend on donations. Other revenue comes from member dues, fundraising events, program ads, and the support of organizations such as the Gilbert Verney Foundation, the Grimshaw-Gudewicz Charitable Foundation, the James Burgess Boote Fund, Anne R. and R. Harper Brown Foundation, the Pratt Family Giving Fund, the Putnam Foundation, TIAA Charitable, the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, CA, Inc., SAP America, Inc., and the New Hampshire State Council on the Arts and National Endowment for the Arts.